180 Nutrition -The Health Sessions.

This week I'm excited to welcome Chad Price to the podcast. He is a serial entrepreneur with over ten years of experience in multiple industries. His most notable company, Kettlebell Kings, was started from scratch and now it is a multimillion dollar, Fortune 5000, and international company. He is also a former student athlete that graduated from Rice university with an extensive background in all sports. Additionally, He’s a Hemp and cannabis advocate that owns a lifestyle brand, Life Grows Green, which promotes health and wellness using all natural ingredients and hemp products.

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • Why should we pick up a kettlebell in the gym/home?
  • Can I get a whole-body workout using just kettlebells?
  • How long should a typical kettlebell workout take?



This week, I'm excited to welcome Chad Price to the podcast. Chad is an athlete, entrepreneur, author, and founder of Kettlebell Kings, the number one supplier and community in the kettlebell space. In this episode, we discuss why you should consider including Kettlebells into your workout, the best way to use them, and the quickest way to get the results you want. Over to Chad.


Hey, guys. This is Stu from 180 Nutrition and I am delighted to welcome Chad Price to the podcast. Chad, how are you mate?



I'm doing great today. Thank you for having me.



No, look, thank you. Thank you again for sharing some of your time. I know you're super busy. But first up, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work or your companies, et cetera, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.



Sure. My name's Chad Price, currently, the CEO of Life Grows Green and my consulting agency, Price Digital Consultants. My background is in athletics and sports. After I graduated from Rice University, I started a company... I started several companies, but my most notable company is Kettlebell Kings, and that was a 10-year journey that I just culminated at the beginning of 2022.


And then, I wrote a book about that journey and starting your own business called Preparing for Battle and trying to help people get mentally prepared for what the next step is in terms of switching from entrepreneurship. I mean, switching from employee to entrepreneurship or transitioning from college or high school, wherever that is, and going into the entrepreneurship journey, having the correct mindset of doing so.



Fantastic. Wow, what a journey. It sounds like you're muscled up and ready to attack pretty much anything. So, I'm keen today to touch on the kettlebell side of things because I know that it's not very often that you get to talk to a kettlebell king and you'd be one of them, right? So, and also, cognizant of the hemp and CBD stuff, very, very interesting. But we live in Australia, and so that's a no-no for us, unfortunately at this point in time.


So, I thought we'd dial into your journey with Kettlebell Kings and just kick off for our audience in terms of no doubt, we've all been to the gym and we've seen the rack of kettlebells, but they're next to the dumbbells. They might be next to the resistance bands, which are next to the free weights, which might be next to the assisted machines. Why should we pick up a kettlebell?

For full interview and transcript:


Direct download: Chad_Price_MP3.mp3
Category:Health & Nutrition -- posted at: 3:33am PDT

This week I'm excited to welcome Cody Watkins to the podcast. Dubbed the King of Transformation. Cody is a renowned online fitness coach. In 2018, he underwent emergency open heart surgery that was required to escape death. He made an astonishing comeback, winning a bodybuilding competition, just 11 months post-surgery. In this episode, we discussed the subtle art of building lean muscle while losing body fat, the importance of cardio when wanting to lean up and so much more. Over to Cody.

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • What’s the secret to building lean muscle and losing fat at the same time?
  • How important is cardio when wanting to lean up?
  • Should we lift heavy for less reps or lighter for more?



This week, I'm excited to welcome Cody Watkins to the podcast. Dubbed the King of Transformation. Cody is a renowned online fitness coach. In 2018, he underwent emergency open heart surgery that was required to escape death. He made an astonishing comeback, winning a bodybuilding competition, just 11 months post-surgery. In this episode, we discussed the subtle art of building lean muscle while losing body fat, the importance of cardio when wanting to lean up and so much more. Over to Cody.


Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition and I am delighted to welcome Cody Watkins to the podcast. Cody, good morning, good afternoon for you. How are you mate?



I'm doing well. Thanks for having me.



No, I really appreciate your time. Well, looking at your socials and all of your online activities, I know that you're a very busy man, so we'll get into the questions in a second. But first up, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.



Yeah, so I got into fitness pretty early, 15, 16 years old. I think very typical for any male, you're a little bit softer than you like to be, right? You got to get those abs, get it checked, and I just started, I guess, chasing the dragon, so to speak. So, I just kept pushing the size of limit. I got into powerlifting, got into bodybuilding. I did that obviously along the way. It's really easy to get into training since that's all you're doing. So that's where I kind of fell into that with my love for that, and then got into coaching, competed for 12 years in bodybuilding. Ended up having a few setbacks along the way that I had to learn to overcome, the biggest being open heart surgery. That was kind of a side blast, I didn't see that one coming. And yeah, I had a birth effect that I didn't know about.


I ended up being in stage four heart failure. My heart was like three times the size it should be, and then I got that all patched up. I ended up competing in a bodybuilding show one year later just to see if I could. I wanted to push the limit, but I like to take the reasons or excuses out for when it comes to clients because we'll build hurdles over things that maybe aren't. So, I figured if I could push the envelope, it would help me as a coach overall, because it kind of takes that excuse barrier now when it comes to working with people.



Oh, my word. So, tell me, when you had that surgery. And I'm guessing with a character like yourself. You live and breathe for working out, feeling good, moving your body. Were you ever told that you've got to take this super, super easy? I wouldn't recommend that you pick up heavy weights or stretch your heart in any way? Was that on the board of the recommendations?



Absolutely. So, going into it, I didn't know I had it. I had symptoms of heart failure the whole time, but I thought it was just bodybuilding. It was rough, right? I'm pushing through it, grueling along, probably maybe TMI. But man, I was throwing up probably one to two workouts a month, just thought I was lifting hard, but that was my heart not keeping up, right?






But anyways, when I found out, my heart valve actually ripped. I had birth defect in it. So, they were like, if this would've happened while you're training, you'd be dead. And the day before I was blasting out legs, just crushed. I was six weeks out from a bodybuilding show. So, I had just DEXA scan at like 6% body fat. I'm like, "Easiest contest prep yet. I'm so far ahead of the game. This is great." And then the next day I was in the hospital dying and had no idea, just side cast.

For full interview and transcript:

Direct download: Cody_Watkins_MP3.mp3
Category:Health & Nutrition -- posted at: 5:10am PDT

This week I'm excited to welcome Rodrigo Perez to the podcast. Rod has helped and trained countless athletes from professionals and elite performers, through to groms and the everyday athlete. His movement methodology and holistic longevity and wellness approach has helped countless of his athletes improve the way they move, to become more aware of their bodies, improve their nutrition, break through plateaus in their performance and ultimately become the optimal version of themselves.

Over the last 2 decades he has been broadening and deepening his knowledge. Working with multiple modalities to achieve better mobility and precision of movement, better breathing, self-regulation and mind focusing techniques – we continue to help amateur and professional clients achieve their health and performance goals.

Classes, programs, seminars and consultations are focused, professional, challenging, and yet playful – in order to best prepare clients to be the protagonists of their own wellbeing and achievements.

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • How should we move if we want to live a long and pain-free life?
  • What exercises shouldn’t we be doing if we have lower back problems?
  • How long should we spend on daily mobility?


This week I'm excited to welcome Rodrigo Perez to the podcast. Rodrigo is a performance specialist whose movement, methodology and holistic longevity and wellness approach has helped countless athletes improve the way they move. In this episode, we discuss the importance of mobility if we want to live without aches and pains as we age. We talk about the movements we shouldn't be doing if we have lower back problems, the length of time we should spend each day on mobility and so much more. Over to Rodrigo.


Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition and I am delighted to welcome Rodrigo Perez to the podcast. Rodrigo, how are you?



Very good. Yourself, Stu?



Excellent. It's funny because we met many, many years ago when Guy was involved in the business and I know that he was a good friend of yours. I have been seeing your messages on social media continually for so long and I thought I've got to catch up with you because I can see what you're doing really aligns with a lot of the stuff that our audience is really, really interested in. So, first up, for all of our listeners then that may not be familiar with you or your work, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself please.



My name is Rodrigo. I've been living in Australia for the last 22 years. Been coaching for 26 years. So I am Spanish, half Brazilian. Mom, is a purely Spanish person, and grew up in Brazil probably half of my life was there, and moved to Australia, was a coach there as well. Finished university there. Then exercise science and I am exercise physiologist. Moved to Australia and had a big goal to first learn English. The funny thing is just know learning the Aussie language. So I still chat with you because I was three years in Australia and I went to London. Over there I had a manager there, and then one of the gymnasiums I was working there as a swim coach. They turned to me and they said, "Where you learned your English?" I say, "Well, in Australia." They say, "No, you learned Australian language mate."

For full interview and transcript:

Direct download: Rodrigo_MP3_Final.mp3
Category:Health & Nutrition -- posted at: 4:26am PDT